[Gatesedge] Fw: USNA Men's Glee Club concert in Houston on 17 March

Carolyn Young caitlin37 at comcast.net
Thu Feb 16 20:26:33 PST 2012

Just in case you have nothing else to do on St. Patrick's.

Caitlin, Carolyn, Lyn, Mom, Grandma
So much to do; so little attention span.....

Dear Choir and Friends of the Choir:


The US Naval Academy Men's Glee Club is coming to Houston, and will sing at St. Martin's!!!

They will present a Concert on Saturday afternoon, March 17th at 5:00 p.m. in the Church. 


Attached is a poster - please feel free to forward this message and invite friends, family and co-workers. 


The last time they were here, it was an invitation-only event, and the building was packed!


This event is free and open to the public, doors will open at 4:30p.m.



Justin Jacobson

Music Ministry - Administrative Assistant

St. Martin's Episcopal Church

717 Sage

Houston, TX 77056

Fax - 713-622-5701


jjacobson at stmartinsepiscopal.org


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