[Gatesedge] You are welcome to plan on this!

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 08:34:44 PDT 2012

I posted a public event in FaceBook called "Home Owning, Cancer Beating,
Deck Building, my 60th, Mark's 55th Birthday Blow-out Bash"...I invited
some people but may have missed you! Plus, not everyone is on FaceBook or
checks it regularly. So I'm putting out the word!

Lots of milestones need to be celebrated. We would like to do this with as
many friends as possible. Please join us if you can! We will have the grill
going and have watermelon, hot dogs and iced tea to share. Bring other
stuff if you want to grill it or share it. No presents necessary or
expected. Your smiling face will be enough. Drums welcome! Bring a chair if
you can!!!

My home in Magnolia...36802 Lower Lake Lane, 77354....starts at 2 pm...goes
until whenever. If you can come, we would love to see you!

"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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