[Gatesedge] You are welcome to plan on this!

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 10:56:19 PDT 2012

I forgot to say that this is happening on July 21 starting at 2 pm and
going to whenever!

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Darlene Burns <annescvb at gmail.com> wrote:

> I posted a public event in FaceBook called "Home Owning, Cancer Beating,
> Deck Building, my 60th, Mark's 55th Birthday Blow-out Bash"...I invited
> some people but may have missed you! Plus, not everyone is on FaceBook or
> checks it regularly. So I'm putting out the word!
> Lots of milestones need to be celebrated. We would like to do this with as
> many friends as possible. Please join us if you can! We will have the grill
> going and have watermelon, hot dogs and iced tea to share. Bring other
> stuff if you want to grill it or share it. No presents necessary or
> expected. Your smiling face will be enough. Drums welcome! Bring a chair if
> you can!!!
> My home in Magnolia...36802 Lower Lake Lane, 77354....starts at 2
> pm...goes until whenever. If you can come, we would love to see you!
> --
> Annes
> "Munerius Ultra Sanitas"

"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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