[Glaslyn] Proposed SI Guild in Glaslyn

Lady Lavina ladylavina at email.com
Mon Feb 11 14:16:30 PST 2002

Greeting Everyone:

I am writing as a member of the populace here and NOT as your seneschal.

Having gotten that straightened out - I have had several people in the Canton express an interest in having our own Scribes and Illuminators Guild.  I have just spoken at length with Lady Gerita, our A&S Minister, and she is in agreement with this.

The problem is the calendar - just in case you haven't taken a look at the local calendars lately - THEY ARE BOOKED!  The best nights I can find are either the 3rd Monday of the month or the 4th Tuesday of the month.  There are, of course, pros and cons to each of these nights.

I'm asking for your help and vote here.  If you are interested in attending an SI Guild in Glaslyn and you could/would attend one of these nights - PLEASE cast your vote on line, either publicly or privately, and let me know which night you would choose.

On Wednesday (2/13), I'll tally the votes and choose the night with the most votes.  I hope to begin our new SI guild night in March.

Lady Lavina


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