[Glaslyn] Elfsea A&S night - Aug 21

Deana Covel dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 5 09:55:20 PDT 2007


  Have you ever seen a beautiful glass goblet engraved
with a scroll work or a grape leaf design?
  Have you ever wanted to learn how that is done?

 Now is your chance!  
The HL Durinne de Salesberie will be teaching Glass
Engraving at the A&S night this month.
Join us on Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 7:30 pm.  
  Supplies will be on hand, or you can to bring your
own. You will need: a piece of glass (plate or
goblet), a marker, a design, and a glass cutting

Email HL Durinne about specific class questions. 
druinne at earthlink.net

HL Rixend & Sir Thomas' House
2017 Chattanooga
Bedford, TX  76022

Email me about A&S questions in general or if you have
ideas for the next A&S class.
In Service,
 Lady Hanna von Dahl
 Elfsea MoAS

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