[Glaslyn] Regional war stuff.

fiacha5 at gmail.com fiacha5 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 09:07:44 PDT 2010

Greetings, Salutations. And all that stuff 
Its been a busy last few months and as we go into the hot season. We have a chance to rest but we must also take the time to train and refit.  
Our groups are growing and gaining strength both in new members and in the young people joining the ranks of heavy combat. 

A few bits of awsome news.  We have a  engineer group and will be active in working on the man or should I say woman power of this group. Much fun was had by those who played with the heavy artillary at Warlords. It has been talked about that its not unreasonable to have five siege machines and crews by this time next year for our region. Anyone interested in getting their feet wet please contact the ladies of glaslynn. 

We have had several volunteers for our field kitchen and that is quickly moving forward. It looks like we will be going with a soup style. That's fast light work and cheap, to help get troops onto the field as well as support all those who make the fighting possible.  

There will be a practice later this month in the ft worth area, details to follow,  July will see a practice at Brian Prices school. And in August.  For all of us that will not be able to travel up to Pennsic (priority) we will be pushing for a small raid to the lands south of us.  While the king is away....

A song book is in the works, comments suggestions and fun ideas are welcome. 

The theme of our Regional force is going to be Roman. The central region legion just has a ring to it.   

There are a few positions needed, to include a youth fighter to help with organizing and to play a leadership role with the youth combatants. We need a training person to help with kingdom commands and field communication (this will be a in training postion)A brave soul to help with liason position between the heavy and Rapier  forces, both groups have huge value to add to the other on the melee side of things.   Suggestions and recommendations off list please. 

Our forces our strong and our royal leadership and energy is amazing (thank you).  It will be an amazing time we are marching into for our King, Queen and Kingdom.  

For Ansteorra;
Centurion. Fiacha. 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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