[Hellsgate] Geek Fest

Branden twobucksanchange at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 13 09:28:10 PDT 2012

I would like to do one on Friday since I won't be there Saturday
Havarr Ericsson 

Joe Simmons <ESIMMONS001 at hot.rr.com> wrote:

>Just got word..we are not scheduled for a outside fighter demo on Friday, 
>because of the time being 8pm after our classroom time. However, she said if 
>we want to do one Friday at 8 we are welcome to.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Joe Simmons" <ESIMMONS001 at hot.rr.com>
>To: "Stronghold of Hellsgate" <hellsgate at lists.ansteorra.org>
>Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 9:07 AM
>Subject: Re: [Hellsgate] Geek Fest
>> Just got the Friday schedule...sorta
>> Friday at 7pm for the classroom.
>> Eric
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Branden" <twobucksanchange at yahoo.com>
>> To: "Stronghold of Hellsgate" <hellsgate at lists.ansteorra.org>
>> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 8:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Hellsgate] Geek Fest
>>>I believe that's fridays schedule
>>> YIS,
>>> Havarr Ericsson
>>> Dave Goldie <missinglink at phulesgold.com> wrote:
>>>>If I am reading that right, we have two classroom sessions of one hour 
>>>>and two outdoor fighting demo sessions of one hour each.  Nothing before
>>>>2pm.  Is that what we are looking at?
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: hellsgate-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
>>>>[mailto:hellsgate-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Joe Simmons
>>>>Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 9:16 PM
>>>>To: Stronghold of Hellsgate
>>>>Subject: Re: [Hellsgate] Geek Fest
>>>>I just received the schedule for us for Saturday.  It seems that we are 
>>>>going to have as much leeway as I had thought.  When I was there Friday 
>>>>said there were a lot of groups like ours, (meaning larpers) also 
>>>>this weekend and that each of the groups had been given times so that
>>>>everyone had fair treatment.
>>>>That being said I am pursuing the Friday schedule. The only thing I know 
>>>>Friday currently is that set-up is 3-5pm.
>>>>As mentioned in a earlier message, we do have a table upstairs (Like Hood
>>>>Howdy) where we can talk about the SCA all day.  We now have 1 hour 
>>>>in a classroom for telling people who and what we are and do. Also 1 hr
>>>>blocks for outside heavy weapon.
>>>>There is a elavator to get our display pieces upstairs, however since we 
>>>>not have the classroom for the full day and will be time sharing it with
>>>>other groups, we do not need as much display and color as originally
>>>>planned. We are not restricted to the table between times, those who 
>>>>may wander freely and chat to people that way also.  Any questions let me
>>>>See Schedule for Saturday below:
>>>>Below is what we have you scheduled for for next weekend. We ask that you
>>>>check in no later than one hour before your session starts in the
>>>>planetarium room 147. Please let me know as soon as possible, but no 
>>>>than Wednesday, if there are any conflicts or issues with the schedule 
>>>>or if you have any questions. If you or anyone you know will be needing
>>>>lodging, we have partnered with a few local hotels to provide a special 
>>>>for Geekfest attendees. For more information, visit
>>>>DAY     Start Time      End Time        TITLE   Presenter       Building
>>>>SAT     02:00 PM        3:00 PM Society for Creative Anachronism Demo SCA
>>>>PLAN    118
>>>>SAT     03:00 PM        4:00 PM SCA Demo        SCA     OUTSIDE
>>>>SAT     05:00 PM        6:00 PM Society for Creative Anachronism Demo SCA
>>>>PLAN    118
>>>>SAT     07:00 PM        8:00 PM SCA Demo       SCA     OUTSIDE
>>>>Jennifer Hetzel
>>>>Coordinator, CTC Continuing Education Personal & Professional Development
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