[Hellsgate] Candlemas

Ruiz ruizhorde at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 6 09:17:37 PST 2012

I want to encourage everyone to try and make it to Candlemas. It is Feb. 4th and the link below will take you to the Bryn-Gwlad home page where you can get all the information you need, 
Candlemas is a fun event and some of you who are new to the area this is a great way to meet people. If you need to car pool put it on the list maybe someone can offer a ride. 
Another thing our  Baron and Baroness, Master Phelim Gervase and Mistress Myfanwy ferch Eifion, are planning on attending our social the first Thursday of Feb. So come out and meet them if you have not.

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