[Hellsgate] Baronial

Robert Ruiz timurborte at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 1 08:22:47 PDT 2012

Good Gentles
Together (Hellsgate & Bryn Gwlad) we had a great time. We got wet, we had fun, we competed, and we got wet. I am proud to be part of Hellsgate. I look forward to our future together. 

I have a bit of advice don't make lord Eric mad if he has a crossbow, you could run but you'd die tired. With a 100% hit rate in the final round of the archers championship tourney, I am staying on his good side. Lord Eric I am glad I got to watch you compete.

Branden, Ty and Valentine kept me on the edge of the list field watching, guiding, and fixing chin straps. I enjoyed the fighting and have seen lots of things to work on. Great job gentlemen! 

I realy enjoyed hanging out with the group and the product of our local brewmiester. The reactions from Master Ivar was grand. Stephan I hope you are feeling better. 

To all thank you verymuch in participating in cooking, cleaning, and all of the other camp work.  

The proud and tired. 

 “If you want to know the measure of a man look at the shoes he wears“                                  

  Aristotle Onassis

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