[Hellsgate] Answers to scheduling for Geekfest

Erwin Simmons ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM
Tue Aug 13 13:09:03 PDT 2013

OK folks I asked the questions and here is what we have.
Answers below...

Barbara A. Merlo
Marketing & Outreach

-----Original Message-----
From: Erwin Simmons [mailto:ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 1:27 PM
To: Merlo, Barbara; Hetzel, Jennifer
Subject: Re: Geekfest

Thank you for our schedule for specific presentations.  The group has a few questions that hopefully you will be able to answer. I do need to get this information out so that I can best use my people.

1. Do we set up on Friday afternoon or 8 am Saturday morning?  Saturday

2. What time do things actually kick off?  I see that the HvZ competition is Saturday 8-Noon. What time do the buildings open.  Buildings open at ten for vendor setup.

3. Last year we set up on Friday afternoon and had our table going in the evening. Can we do this again?
No, we added Sunday so we are not going to have vendors on Friday night.

4. Do we have a separate times for our outdoor fighting demos or are they in conjunction with our classroom times.
I didn't schedule you specific times, but can if you want to.  I figured you would probably do it the way you said in the next question, and also you can tell folks to come out after your stage demo to generate your crowds.

5. Should we just prepare to do our outdoor demos as we get a crowd?


So this means we will need fighters ready to go throughout the course of the day. Also people at the table and classroom. Also I will sort out something for our stage presentation time. May need some fights for that also.  As mentioned we can do as we did last year and do 30 min. classroom and then 30 min. fight demos. Or as Barb said if we gather a crowd then go for it.
At this point I am not sure how many fighters we have to support the fight demo site.
So if you are fighting please let me know. We have just a few days to put it all together. I already know of at least two of our fighters who will not be there for the Chivalric side and one for Rapier. We do have rapier approved for this year and it looks like we have 2 rapier fighters.
So please,please speak up so I know we can pull this off.

In Service
Lord Eric Bentbow
Seneschal    Hellsgate

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