[Hellsgate] Open Shop Monday night 2/11 from 7-10 PM in Georgetown

K. Marsh maelgwyndda at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 10 20:11:59 PST 2013

How can open shop and the baronial business meeting both happen on the same night?  The answer is that it is a trap...there are two of us!  

Wyllow plans to be at populace while I will be hosting open shop and trying to get some helms done before Gulf War, including my own. Come make a helm or some shynbalds or whatever you need next according to
 your armour plan.  If you don't have an armour plan then we'll make one 
of those first.

We are at 903 Brook Meadow Cove in Georgetown.  Call 512-635-nine one one seven if you have questions. Yes, we have cats.  Yes, kids are welcome.

Maelgwyn and Wyllow

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