[Hellsgate] Webminister office

Ron eirik at hot.rr.com
Wed May 1 15:58:58 PDT 2013

At populace tonight I will be announcing that the office of Webminister for
the Stronghold of Hellsgate will be open for applications. Applications will
be accepted until May 31, 2013 and copies must go to the Seneschal,
Webminister, Kingdom Webminister, and a courtesy to Their Excellencies Bryn
Gwlad. You must be a current member that has access to the Black Star and
the Kingdom application form can be found at
http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/ApplicationJan08.pdf. If anyone needs
more information about the office, feel free to contact me.


Eirik Halfdanarson

Web Minister

Stronghold of Hellsgate

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