[Hellsgate] Geekfest info 2

Erwin Simmons ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM
Sun Aug 7 06:05:33 PDT 2016

A reminder for all those attending our Demo at GeekFest, you need to 
bring something to sit on, chair, stool or what have you. There will be 
shade, but if you want to sit then you need a chair. Also Artisans 
please let Michelle Buchmeier 
<https://www.facebook.com/michelle.buchmeier.7>, or Jean Raimbaut 
<https://www.facebook.com/BuckShotPhotos> know ASAP if you need a table. 
We are limited on what we can supply. So if you have your own please 
bring it if you need one, otherwise we will do what we can.

In Service,

Ld. Eric Bentbow

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