ANSTHRLD - Grant question tmcd at
Wed Oct 13 21:50:49 PDT 1999

On 13 Oct 99, at 22:59, Amanda Lewanski wrote:
] Why is the Lion of Ansteorra on there at all? It is an award that
] confers no precedence; as such, it has no place on an Order of
] Precedence. Only orders conferring precedence should be
] listed. OPs don't HAVE to show every kingdom order. Placing it at
] the end like that gives an incorrect impression of the award--and
] don't give me "everyone knows," lots of people outside the kingdom
] who might refer to our OP would have no idea. This holds true, by
] the way, of any other awards conferring no precedence; they
] shouldn't be listed on an OP. They can appear in a kingdom awards
> list, which is different.

Bullpucky.  (A sick game played with prairie oysters on ice, but
that's not important now.)

1) It has precedence.

2) The OP is actually the award and title list.  If you prefer to call
   it the latter, do as thou wilt.  (I wanted to add ", chamberlain"
   but couldn't find a way to fit it in.  I think I'm rather tired and
   punchy.)  I see no reason to keep and print separate awards lists
   and OPs, since the latter will be 95%+ of the former.

Chandranath Mitra / R. Smith <superboy at> wrote:
> The Lion, and other honors such as the Motley Sash, Queen's Rapier,
> et al, DO convey precedence; the bearer of a kingdom honor such as
> these would come before someone with no awards at all in precedence,
> just as is suggested by the list in question.

To be more precise, such a recipient would rank there if they had no
awards other than non-armigerous ones of the same level.  The odds of
a Lion having not one armigerous award is, um, low.

(The same argument is used by kingdoms that rank baronhood as a plain
AoA, but I don't like that either, as denigrating baronness.
Personally, I think Lionhood should rank up there near barons or such,
but I have strange notions when it comes to SCA awards.)

Daniel "strike the last clause, actually" de Lincolia
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