ANSTHRLD - Re: heralds V1 #453

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at
Mon Jul 3 06:51:26 PDT 2000


I am Nimbus Herald.  I was given he title for my work I did with Anebairn
MacPharling while he was Star.  It was during muc of the early days and I
wound up doing a great deal of his personal administrative stuff at the
request of the Crown.  So I was given the title.  Due to a few personality
constraints I became somewhat inactive under a few Stars.  (grin).

Recently I have begun being more active an dI just finished teaching at the
Knowne World Symposium.  I'm perfectly willing to do more and have started
planning on doing more when I sorta had surgery and that slowed me down.
So if you have something you need to do let me know.

Hmmm, sounds like a volunteer....

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