[ANSTHRLD] requesting conflict check

Haines, Paul PHA at allseas.com
Fri Feb 28 09:23:07 PST 2003

That's a good question.

RfS XI.3.a says, "Such fields may be used with identical charges over the
entire field, or with complex lines of partition or charges overall that
were not used for marshalling in period heraldry.

Technically, we are clear of this, as our charges are identical, are over
the entire field (though they are positioned within two quarters), and are
not charges used for marshalling.

RfS XI.3.b says, "Such fields may only be used when no single portion of the
field may appear to be an independant piece of armory. (indented) No section
of the field may contain an ordinary that terminates at the edge of that
section, or more than one charge unless those charges are part of a group
over the whole field.  Charged sections must all contain charges of the same
type to avoid the appearance of being different from eachoher."

In this case, we have no ordinaries on any quarter.  And we do not have more
than one charge positioned in any quarter.

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