[ANSTHRLD] Trippant

tmcd@panix.com tmcd at panix.com
Wed Jun 4 09:12:31 PDT 2003

"Herndon, Darin" <DHerndon at bswintl.com> wrote:
> OK.  Do trippant and at gaze count for a CD against each other or
> are they not enough of a position change?  My understanding is that
> guardant alone is not enough.  Is the walking versus standing
> enough?

Best to expand the special abbreviations.

    trippant: passant, head facing dexter
    at gaze: statant, head facing the viewer

Head position is not a CD on a beast that has a body.

The different between passant and statant is basically one foreleg.
No CD.

You can't add negligable changes and get a CD -- you can't say "a
semi-CD for feet and a semi-CD for head".

No CDs, then, between trippant and at gaze.

Daniel de Lincolia
Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com; tmcd at us.ibm.com is my work address

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