[ANSTHRLD] On symbolism in arms

Kathleen O'Brien kobrien at bmc.com
Thu Mar 6 10:12:20 PST 2003

>Ask anyone within about a
>hundred mile radius who has this badge <here I hold up my bodhran
>bag, emblazoned with a large appliqued white mascle> and they'll say,
>"Teceangl!".  Make that two hundred miles if it's a herald, and some in
>other kingdoms would also recognize it.  I have people come up to me
>and say, "We were driving in the HOV lane and I thought of you."  Voila!

>That's pretty much my standard litany, and it's worked a lot.  So,
>put your armory on things and try it yourself.  Or heck, tell them
>about Teceangl Who Owns Every Bike Lane.  :)
>- Teceangl

I had to laugh at this.  At one Pennsic consultation table, I had been
explaining to a submitter the difference between a device and a badge with
my standard explanation of "a device says 'I am here', a badge says 'this
is mine'" and I held up my tankard showing my badge of "Sable, a cross
formy saltirewise argent."  This long ago got the nickname of "the X marks
my stuff" badge.

Well, I was in and out of that consultation table quite a bit and we were
all making sure to drink lots of water since it was waaaaay hot at that
point.  When someone came around watering the heralds, I realized that I
had no clue where my tankard was.  Over-tired and very frustrated, I asked
the tent at large, "Has anyone seen my mug?"  Without even turning around
from the consultation he was working on, a herald I had never met before
held up my mug in a far corner of the tent.

Signs your badge becomes identified with you...


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