[ANSTHRLD] Re: [Norsefolk] Invitation to Pick Norse Onomastic Nits

Karen * kitten at golden.net
Fri Mar 28 05:59:46 PST 2003

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Snorri inn kyrri Hallsson wrote:

> Several questions regarding this, in no particular order.  Would there be a
> difference in how the components would be organized based on gender?  What
> about location, Iceland vs. Norway?  What if my wife never used the
> patronymic until her arrival in Iceland, where national law dictated the use
> of a patronymic?

What time period are you talking about? I doubt that Iceland had a
national law regarding familial names until well past the Viking period. I
believe that law is a relatively recent (last 100 years) thing to preserve
it's national culture.

Heck, it wasn't even an organized government and recognized country until
well past the Viking period.

Karen :)
"'Cause intensity... it's never really been a problem for me."
Karen and Neil's Tree Home on the Web: http://www.treheima.ca

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