[ANSTHRLD] AAA Consulting... or: the return of Fabulous Heraldry

Tom Parr seamusofelfsea at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 12:49:46 PDT 2004

Well I have to sak who the Soon to be Kingdom Knight of Northshield is as thats where I am From and was just up there for there crown list.......
and regardless I'll see what I can find
Golden staff (for only less than two weeks!)

kobrien at texas.net wrote:
> ps - NO, you may not show Kolach to new submitters. Come to think, you may 
> not show Kolach to ANY submitters. That would simply not be right.

Actually, a good friend of mine endured the Kolatch Hell when he submitted a 
name many, many years ago. The kingdom I was living in at the time never let 
their locals know that Kolatch is Bad. (Much of that problem has been 
alieviated by the 'net and mailing lists.) Anyway, he picked his name out of 
this big, scholarly-looking book in our university library. It was scholarly-
looking, so it should be fine, right? Nope. It was one of Kolatch's books. 
No, his name didn't pass. He eventually had to register something close, but 
not what he was by then well-known by.

So, hiding Kolatch from any and all submitters is a help to them. I just 
about choked when I saw some of his books reprinted and for sale in Borders.

They won't reprint Withycombe, but Kolatch seems to be fine. 


P.S. If anyone ever finds or as a period name, I know a 
knight in Northshield who would probably worship the ground you walk

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