[ANSTHRLD] Ermined Or and Argent - is this still 'legal'

Crandall crandalltwo-scalists at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 10:32:38 PDT 2006

  You were not being stupid. Stupid would have not asked the question. Nor would it have not sounded right. 
  Years ago the College was unable to answer questions in a timely manner. This forum now enables Heralds to learn and share their knowledge. Your use of it educates not only yourself, but those who have not asked and just blindly stumble along. 

Luciana Caterina di Borgese <dolce.luce at gmail.com> wrote:
  You are correct, obviously. I had misread/misunderstood it the first time I
read it. After that, when I was looking in my heraldry books (it just did
not sound right), it explained exactly what has been said here. Problem is,
I already had an image in my mind that was just not working with what I was
reading. Translation....I was being stupid. Fortunately, I have learned

Thank you,

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