Star - Ansteorra star at ansteorra.org
Tue Oct 23 20:00:38 PDT 2007

Ok folks,
If you haven't noticed, the kingdom planning calendar (web calendar)
now has the Ansteorran Heraldic & Scribal Symposium scheduled for the
weekend of June 27-29, with bids due by the end of January.  As this
event travels around the kingdom, preference will be given to the
Coastal Region this time around.

Bids should be sent to the kingdom seneschal, kingdom exchequer, and
myself.  Please be sure to include the event bid/request for calendar
date form and a proposed budget.  Typically there is no feast at this
event, but a sideboard lunch is usually included in the site fee.

If anyone has questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact me.

Alden, Star

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