[ANSTHRLD] arms - your thoughts

Teceangl tierna.britt at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 23:23:56 PDT 2008

Greetings from An Tir.

> Robin wrote:
>> But the essential fact is this: this is *great* modern
>> heraldic art.  Its
>> style is like nothing that would ever have been seen before
>> 1600.  It could
>> not have existed even fifty years ago.

Emma replied:
> True. But neither is most web art, to be honest. Until we run across that
> artist with the beautiful period style that can create umpteen copies in
> various sizes, or (even better) can create it in vector format.... Sigh. :)
> I do wish I'd gotten more of the 'artist' gene from my father so I could
> actually draw medieval-style stuff, instead of constantly manipulating
> existing vector art.

Ansteorra is one of the most heraldically powerful kingdoms in the
Known World, and your scribes are known of up in these northwestern
reaches, many by name.  Someone, somewhere, must have the skills to do
the kingdom's achievement in period style, yes?

I must admit my first, and continuing, impression matches Master
Robin's.  It's beautiful and it simply screams 'generated by a
computer in the 21st century'.  Simply because it's on the web doesn't
mean it has to look like it.
My opinion, an outsider's observation, worth the paper it's printed on. :)

- Teceangl
Head returns off at the pass -

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