Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Thu Jan 24 12:20:15 PST 2008

On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, Jennifer Smith <jds at randomgang.com> wrote:
> Any idea why you're listed in the OP under
> "Daniel 'Bobo' de Lincoln"? :)

oh dear god why did you have to send that to me while i'm reading at
the office i almost ruptured trying not to howl aloud with laughter

I just had to wipe tears from my eyes.

OK, I'm under control.  Mostly.  I can see what I'm typing now.

It's Sara's Revenge.  At one time, I am told that there was a very
occasional custom of sneaking a line onto court reports giving an
award to Bobo the Dancing Bear.  Basically, a way of testing the brass
hats to see whether they're reading before signing.  Serena, once and
every so often Zodiacus, ripped out his entries from the OP.  So has
Sara, the current Zod.  (Her notebook I saw at Coronation was labelled
"The Book of ZOD", which perhaps gives some indication of attitude.)
At best, I gather, they view it as "funny ONCE" and "it's one thing to
get him an AoA, but ..."

Sara and/or Serena (I forget which) was thoroughly peeved that I got
the crown to sign a report saying that Bobo was a Lord of the Rose,
and THOROUGHLY unimpressed by my arguments of "scriptum est"
and "how dare you denigrate the signed order of the crown".

If indulged in a lot, it *would* probably get tiresome.

Daniel "BWAHAHAHAHA" de Lincolino
Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com

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