[ANSTHRLD] Submission question

Jennifer Smith jds at randomgang.com
Wed May 14 20:03:15 PDT 2008

> The submitter write a check to the local branch (amount is $8 
> per item btw.  Some have not gotten the word ;-)).  The local 
> group will then write a check for $7 per item made out to SCA 
> Inc. - Kingdom of Ansteorra CoH. (Hmm.  I always thought it 
> it was just SCA Inc. - Kingdom of Ansteorra)

It is indeed just "SCA Inc - Kingdom of Ansteorra". I don't know how that
"CoH" got stuck on there, but it's wrong. The bank will likely cash it
anyway, but just in case....

Since the checks actually get sent to Asterisk, when she forwards them to
the kingdom exchequer for depositing it's fairly obvious at that point that
they should get credited to the CoH subaccount. I did explicit check
tracking on my end anyway when I was Asterisk, and I believe the current one
does as well.

-Emma, Bordure

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