[ANSTHRLD] Pursuivants/Heralds at Large

Paul E. Kiefer, Jr. rapierman at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 31 17:17:21 PDT 2008

To my knowledge, the testing system was discontinued, awaiting a major upgrade, but that was years ago, and I haven't heard anything since then.  I'd love to give it a try sometime in the intermediate future.

As far as human resources go, when I was Orbis, if some local herald needed help, I just put out the word, not only to those locals in my charge, but to the region and, eventually, the kingdom overall.  On occasion, I'd even volunteer myself so that there would always be someone to help.

I'd be all for a test, assuming all the information that's out there is up to date.  Truth be told, I thought those titles you mentioned indicated a level of competency.  Perhaps a word from other kingdoms would be in order.

Lord Johann Kiefer Hayden (Paul E. Kiefer, Jr.)
Plain ol' herald (and tax man).

----- Original Message ----
From: Star - Ansteorra <star at ansteorra.org>
To: "Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:32:18 AM
Subject: [ANSTHRLD] Pursuivants/Heralds at Large

I'm updating the CoH Admin Handbook, and while I've got the document open, I
wanted to ask the College what y'all think about Section III.C - Pursuivant
at Large, Pursuivant Extraordinary, & Herald at Large?

I understand the procedure for identifying these officers has changed over
the years, but my last recollection was that there was a five section test
to determine your "grade", and each person passing 1, 3, or 5 parts would be
listed as a source deputy to the appropriate regional herald for assistance
in the area of heraldry for which they passed the test.  When I was a
regional, I kept a list of those individuals, but it wasn't utilized much,
and over time seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Is there any real merit to keeping this system in place?  Can we make it
more useful?  Should we remove it?

I'd like to open the discussion on this list.

Alden, Star
Heralds mailing list
Heralds at lists.ansteorra.org


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