[ANSTHRLD] Clients who want runes

John Atkinson johnmatkinson at gmail.com
Sun May 3 18:37:47 PDT 2009

I have a client. . . Or more accurately, a pair of clients.  One has
been playing in the SCA since. . . I'm not sure.  Seven kingdoms, well
over a decade. . . She's got very nice arms and a name registered,
but. . .

Her husband, after years of 'whatever' towards the SCA is getting into
playing.  Fine.  He wants a Viking persona, and the name Grim -- and
doesn't care how we have to tweak the spelling, nor what byname we
hang on it (probably a simply patronymic) so long as it is
registerable.  Though I am NOT an expert on Norse naming practices, I
can deal with this.

The issue is with the device.  He wants to stick a rune on it.  Not
just any rune, but a rune whose name translates to 'helm of awe',
which phrase shows up in the volsungsaga sagas as some sort of
mystical protection.

I know that we won't register armory consisting of a single abstract
symbol so we need to add additional widgets (acceptable secondary
charges) somewhere somehow, but would that be enough to let this thing

Ioannes Dalassenos
"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani

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