[ANSTHRLD] Foamy Beer mug (Precedents)

Joseph Percer jpercer at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 20:32:47 PDT 2011

Did some diving for precedents and came up with:

Lasairíona inghean Ghéibheannaigh. Device. Per pale sable and Or,
three goblets counterchanged issuing flames gules.

    This does not conflict with the device of Morgan Conner, Per pale
sable and Or, two tankards, handles in the flanks, counterchanged.
There's a CD for the number of primary charges and another for the
difference between a goblet and a tankard.
[Lasairiona inghean Gheibheannaigh A-Caid 08/2007]

So we know that right away that a Goblet and a tankard do not
conflict. We should be able to extrapolate from that to a chalice
(similar shape), and I would think if you give difference for a
tankard and a goblet, then you most certainly shoudl get difference
for a horn.

My google-fu is not strong tonight, and I'm not able to locate any
precedent on a drinking horn versus another drinking instrument. The
only thing I've found is that a drinking horn and a bugle horn are
held to conflict with each other.


On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Joseph Percer <jpercer at gmail.com> wrote:
> You couldn't get a CD for type against a "doubly-curved drinking
> horn?" I'd say that a tankard and a doubly-curved drinking horn ought
> to be clearly visually different, maybe not X2 different but worth at
> least a CD... Can you cite precedent for the lack of CD in that case?
> Also the submitter could consider making the bordure complex, to gain
> a 2nd CD to get away from the poor-contrast problem of a 'proper' cup.
> Andrewe
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 7:16 PM, Bob Wade <logiosophia at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Consider "Vert, a tankard Or foamed argent within a bordure Or" versus ...
>> ... "Per bend sinister sable and azure, a chalice and a bordure Or."  (Ursula the Saxon, Device, May 1996)  I se 1 CD for the change of tincture to the field but nothing for the type of cup or foam.  Versus a "wooden tankard proper" I see a 2nd CD for change of tincture to the cup.
>> ... "Vert, a goblet Or between three escallops inverted argent all within a bordure Or." (Elizabeta da Porta, Device, Mar 2010)  I see 1 CD for the removal of the escallops but nothing for the type of cup or foam.  Versus a "wooden tankard proper" I see a 2nd CD for change of tincture to the cup.
>> ... "Vert, a doubly-curved drinking horn argent, garnished, within a bordure Or." (Anna Georgievna of Kiev, Device, May 1987)  I see 1 CD for the change of tincture to the cup but nothing for the type of cup or foam.  Versus a "wooden tankard proper" doesn't help.
>> Sorry,
>> Tostig
>> --- On Sun, 4/24/11, Crandall <crandalltwo-scalists at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> From: Crandall <crandalltwo-scalists at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [ANSTHRLD] Foamy Beer mug
>> To: " Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA Inc.Heralds List" <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
>> Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011, 6:51 PM
>> Tankards and other such things are considered "cups" in the OANDA.
>> Meadhbh ni Dhubhthaigh
>> The following badge associated with this name was registered in April of 2010 (via Atenveldt):
>> Sable, a tankard Or foamed argent between in chief five gouts in chevron Or.
>> Isengau, Shire of
>> The following device associated with this name was registered in February of 2002 (via Drachenwald):
>> Sable, a tankard Or foamed argent within a laurel wreath within a bordure embattled Or.
>> These are quick checks, not to imply either conflict or non-conflict.
>> Crandall, Olde Phart
>> "In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong." -John Kenneth Galbraith
>> --- On Sun, 4/24/11, Amanda Baucum <kyrogue at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> From: Amanda Baucum <kyrogue at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: [ANSTHRLD] Conflict Check and Advice
>>> To: "Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
>>> Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011, 6:15 PM
>>> The submitter wishes to register:
>>> Vert, a wooden tankard proper foamed argent within a
>>> bordure or
>>> I need to know first if the proper will conflict with the
>>> field.  If not can
>>> I get help conflict checking?
>>> If it does create a problem the alternate is:
>>> Vert, a tankard or foamed argent within a bordure or
>>> And this will still need help conflict checking (I'm not
>>> 100% what all the
>>> terms for cups I'll have to be looking at)
>>> Thanks for any help and for your time!
>>> ~Alys Langton
>>> Seawinds Herald
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> --
> Joseph M. Percer, AAS, LP

Joseph M. Percer, AAS, LP

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