[ANSTHRLD] Asterisk Herald now open for apps!

Andrewe Bawldwyn kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org
Sat Mar 24 17:26:54 PDT 2012


The office of  Asterisk Herald is now open for applications! Aron's
term is ending at the July Round Table, and so now is the time to
begin hunting for his replacement. I am very grateful for Aron's
service to the College, and I'm eager to see him continue on the
heraldic path. Please give him a hearty 'thank you' when you see him
as he has done a stellar job keeping Ansteorra's submission process
running in a timely and largely error-free fashion.

Applications for are due to me (with courtesy copies to Aron Asterisk)
no later than June 1st. They should include a copy of your DL/ID and
current membership card.

Asterisk Herald is the officer responsible for internal submissions
processing in Ansteorra. They receive all submissions from the
populace and consultation tables, check them for completeness, and
input the submissions into OSCAR for commentary. Asterisk scans the
forms for electronic transmission to the Arbalest Pursuivant, and then
splits the received forms between the archives and Bordure Herald.
Occasionally they may be asked to assist in the decision process.
Applicants need only be familiar with the basics of heraldic
submissions as the bulk of the job is directed at processing the
submissions. Much heraldic knowledge will generally be accumulated "On
the Job." Applicants must be able to handle many months of paperwork
in an organized manner and meet regular monthly deadlines. Questions
regarding the job can be directed either at myself, or Aron.

Pray know I remain Your servant,

Star Principal Herald

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