[ANSTHRLD] Offices Open for Application, Asterisk Transition

Sara Penrose kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org
Thu Sep 25 18:03:25 PDT 2014

Hi all!

The following offices are open for application until the end of October:

- Eclipse Herald (Central Regional Herald). Duties of this office include,
but are not necessarily limited to, reporting the heraldic status of the
groups in the Central Region on a quarterly basis; providing heraldic
support to these groups as needed, especially to those groups that do not
have a local herald; and appointing and removing local heralds. Please send
questions or applications to the current Eclipse, Baron Gerold von
Drachenhohle, at eclipse at herald.ansteorra.org, and cc me.
- Armillary Herald (CoH Librarian). Armillary is the heraldic officer
responsible for facilitating heraldic consulting tables at events and
keeping up with the library of resources that the College of Heralds
maintains for that purpose. Armillary reports to Tressure Pursuivant, the
Education Deputy. Please send questions or applications to Tressure, Lord
Richard Stewart of St. Andrews, at tressure at herald.ansteorra.org, and cc me.

The following office is open for application until the end of November:

- Equinox Herald (Northern Regional Herald). Duties of this office include,
but are not necessarily limited to, reporting the heraldic status of the
groups in the Northern Region on a quarterly basis; providing heraldic
support to these groups as needed, especially to those groups that do not
have a local herald; and appointing and removing local heralds. Please send
questions or applications to the current Equinox, Lady Meadhbh ingean Rois,
at equinox at herald.ansteorra.org, and cc me.

Also, please note that the office of Asterisk Herald (Internal Submissions)
will change hands on November 1. HL Eirik Halfdanarson will be turning over
the office to Lady Vigdis Gráfeldr. Please check the November Black Star
for the new address to send submission paperwork to. My thanks to both
Eirik and Vigdis for serving in this important office.

In service,

Sara Penrose
Star Principal Herald

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