HERB - ginger/galingale-growing

Christine A Seelye-King mermayde at juno.com
Mon Apr 27 20:18:31 PDT 1998

A lady in my household gave me what she called "white ginger".  It sends
up the long stalks, and puts on several pure white blossoms.  I have yet
to harvest and eat any, do I understand rightly that it is best to
harvest in the fall right after the flowers die?  
	I spent the day in the yard, whacked weeds, planted seeds, and
fertilized.  It was a lovely day for it, and once it gets too hot, the
plants are on their own!  
On Mon, 27 Apr 1998 17:18:03 EDT LrdRas <LrdRas at aol.com> writes:
>In a message dated 4/27/98 12:49:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>nweders at mail.utexas.edu writes:
><<  I bought some and sunk it in a pot -- does quite well. >>
>Ginger is indeed very easy to grow in a pot.  Mine used to be a small
>shrivelled piece that I through into the garden compost. I noticed it 
>several weeks later and potted it in a gallon container. This winter 
>after a
>year of growth it sent up a beautiful orchidlike flower stalk with 7 
>which were yellow with red markings. :-)  Today I noticed the plastic 
>pot is
>bulging and splitting at the sides so it will have to be repooted real 
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