HERB - hello

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Aug 13 12:51:41 PDT 1998

 It's nice to know. Down here (and maybe it's the 100+ weather we don't
have them and never seem to.  We get other things.  When I lived in
California we had moles and I was very fascinated with them as a child. I
don't think we have those down here either.

We have squirrels and blue jays with terrible attitudes though..... (and
fire ants, carpenter ants, chiggers and other animals).

White fly is pretty bad down here and a wide variety of catapillars.  i use
bacillis and soap on the catapillars.  Safer soap on others.  Rocks at the

Mostly it's the heat that will get things down here in the bad years.....
except lemon balm. nothing seems to hurt that.


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