HERB - Moving plants and gardens

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Aug 24 15:00:40 PDT 1998

 It's really sad what people do when they move into a yard.... I stopped
once for a backhoe that was working in a new apartment complex and noticed
that they were plowing out old German irises.  I asked them if I could get
some and they said sure.... since it was almost five they let me have a
shovel and I dug up every ounce of plant that looked useful, pretty or
live.  What I didn't need I planted in other peoples yard.

We have a couple of neighborhors that when they tear down old buildings
they often don't csre about what's currently growing.  It's a great deal of
fun to see people sneaking in and digging up old roses, bulbs and etc.  the
sad thing is that with so many bulb dying back -- very often they get over
looked.  I've collected hardy gladiolas, summer snowflake and rain lilies
that way.  Plus antique roses.

It's sad that people don't care about their plants or try to find them good
homes.  When a friend of mine in the SCA moved up to the MidRealm she let
me get some yard violets and summer snowflakes.  They're still growing in
memory of her...


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