HERB - Redacting Porta's Eye Wash

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Aug 31 08:24:13 PDT 1998

I think your logic is sound in that tutty seems to be the zinc oxide and
not the compund... for one thing the compound possibly was not available in
the same areas as the book you are working from...... I have found that
italian differs from French and french from english in materials many times
(of course that's cooking)  Some where in my piles of stuff I have a cargo
list of materials shipped to an apothecary.  I'll see if I can dig it up
and see if it mentions anything.  I was amazed what apothecaries contain
and sold when I saw it.  I collected it before I got into knowing what to
collect for research so it may not list the book just the products....

It is interesting when you consider that we take zinc tablets now......

BTW, could you print the recipe that you are redacting?  I'd be interested
in seeing the whole thing.  If you've already printed it I may have missed
it.  Work's very hectic this week and last.


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