HERB - HERB: Pennsic

Chris Peters cpeters at cinemagnetics.com
Thu Jul 30 05:55:38 PDT 1998

Niamh ni Donall wrote:

> That I shall... And which persona shall I ask for?

Ask for Chris or Padrhaig, or look for the crazy haired celt yelling at the sheet wall
to"stay up d88mit!" :-)

> Have you camped across from O'Choda before?

Every year. I have been with Northpass since near their inception

> From what I understand, they throw really wild late night parties (this is my FIRST
> Pennsic and I am getting REALLY excited....I'm even leaving the young one at home with
> the grandparents..... :))

I wouldnt call them WILD but I would call them MAGNIFICENT! If it your first PENNSIC you
will have a lot to see and do. Remeber to keep cool and drink fluids yadda yadda Im sure
you have been warned ad nauseum by now.

> I won't be there until the 8th, but my best friend and her husband will be setting up
> our
> Clan-Graywind-within-Clan-O'Choda encampment and she can be my liason...
> btw, they make Meade and are bringing plenty for imbibing and
> bartering... ;)

Im packing light this year on alcohol. Only 4 kegs of beer 12 gallons of meade and 5
gallons of cordial. Was a tight year <Shrug? I am always open to barter.

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