HERB - Roots

Jenne Heise jenne at tulgey.browser.net
Wed Jun 3 09:18:01 PDT 1998

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Mary Temple wrote:
> (sigh) I was reading an article in a recent Newsweek about the struggle 
> to standardize the term "organic" in regards to produce, and one of the 
> things they were saying was that even the "organic" foods had pesticide 
> and herbicide residues. It's in the rainwater, AND the tap water. 
> Blech...

Yes, that's true. However! Big Agribusiness wants to allow certain
'non-organic' practices while still labelling the food organic; there will
be no label for 'strictly organic, we didn't mess with this'-- and guess
whose side Newsweek is on? (Look for those Ortho ads, kids.) There is a
big difference between stuff with smoke, pesticides, etc. sprayed on and
stuff without, even if the water is has traces in it. (Note that if there
were more organic farming and fewer lawn-care fanatics, the rainwater
would improve.)

Be a wise consumer. Find out what 'organic' means before you buy.

*getting off the soapbox*

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa (Shire of Eisental; HERMS Cyclonus) 
         aka Aunt Bunny, mka Jennifer Heise	
jenne at tulgey.browser.net

"To love in deed and in truth..." (from canonization mass for Jadwiga of Wawel)

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