HERB - Re: health & old meat

Sandy M Koenig ravensmk at juno.com
Mon Jun 22 23:38:56 PDT 1998

Well, yes, my dad used to hang the deer up for it to bleed 
, but hanging meat for 3 days would definitely support the growth of


On Mon, 22 Jun 1998 22:07:07 -0500 a14h at zebra.net (William Seibert)
>you wrote:
>>I heard somewhere, that in period, English nobility did not
>think meat was
>>proper to eat until it had been hung at room temprature for 3
>I believe the practice you are referring to was for game, and the
>reason it was hung thusly was to tenderize the meat, as well as
>partially get rid of the "gamey" flavor.
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