HERB - Moths

Katherine Blackthorne kblkthrn at midtown.net
Wed May 6 11:46:06 PDT 1998


> Jasmine
> Jasmine de Cordoba, Midrealm
> jasmine at infoengine.com
> PS> I'm working on an appropriate response to Lady Allison's
> moths in the cupboards and books question. Work work work is keeping
> me busy. I'll see if I can respond properly by this evening.

In the cupboards, freeze EVERYTHING that's infested in zipper bags.  (This
makes the moths go dormant, so they don't breed.)  Store new stock securely
in jars with screw-top lids.  (I have never had the bugs get in these) 
Clean the cupboards THOROUGHLY.  (Don't want to leave any eggs lying
about.)  On the bookshelves, spread liberal amounts of "fresh",
strong-smelling dried herbs.  (I have had great success with Bay leaves,
but I know of some who recommend cloves.)  DO NOT use your old herb stock
that's lost its "kick" -- it won't work!

This is what's worked for me.  Hope it works for you. Good luck! =)

Katherine Blackthorne
Province of Golden Rivers
Principality of Cynagua
Kingdom of the West
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