HERB - Period references and lists

Christine A Seelye-King mermayde at juno.com
Thu May 7 20:34:43 PDT 1998

>> >>> You know what I really wish we had? A comprehensive reference of 
plants that are listed in original source material and any other period
source material [....]

Well, I knew it was a good idea when we started to work on it.  Mistress
Rhiannon and I wanted to start with articles about individual herbs, and
work up from there.  We have found a very good web site that lists ALL of
the properties that have been tested in MANY plants.  What we were
specifically looking for was information on *Counterindications*.  I feel
that this very important information is very lacking in most sources.  
I will have to go on-line to get that web address, and then I will post
it to the list.  I'm for this project though, it could get pretty big,
but I think the chance to design our own herbal is wonderful.  I have
taught a class in the History of Herbals, and I will also review that to
see if I can add anything here.  
	More to come...

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