HERB - caffeine

Katherine Blackthorne kblkthrn at midtown.net
Tue May 12 14:11:45 PDT 1998

> At 10:20 12-05-98 -0700, you wrote:
> >>powdered caffeine is used as a flavor enhancer
> >> in some prepared food.  They don't always have to list it.
> >> 
> >> Clare
> >
> >Interesting...I didn't know they didn't have to list it.  I wonder what
> >else they don't have to list! :-(
> Rodent feces, insect parts, etc, etc. 
> No, I'm not kidding! The FDA actually has allowances for the above
> compounds (as in maximum amounts allowed). Visit a catsup factory
> In Service to Physick and Chirurgy,
> Galen

That part, sadly, I knew.  I was thinking of "deliberate" additions.....
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