HERB - Where do we Stand?

Gaylin Walli g.walli at infoengine.com
Wed May 13 09:47:02 PDT 1998

Mistress Christianna MacGrain wrote:
>One, I enjoyed your explaination about plant chemical interactions.  It
>is just that sort of give and take that makes this list so interesting.

At the risk of chiming in with a "me too," let me say "me too."
Discussions combining the chemical interactions, the botanical
know-how and research, as well as the historical make it
ever so much more easy to search on our own for information.
Well, at least they do for me, anyway. It also encourages me
to learn more and watch myself when I post. :)

>Four, How about Mistress Agnes deLanvallei, OL
>	          Nurturing the safe study of Period Herbalism      ?
>You're right, it is awkward, but I've read some signature lines that were

Mistrell Agnes, Mistres Christianna, Dr. Brandt and more....For some
reason, these didn't really register until just now. Good gracious!
I'm surrounded by Laurels and doctors! I feel....slightly intimidated.
*blush* I'm sure it won't keep me from posting, but now I'm absolutely
certain to watch what I say and how I document it. :)

With sincere affection,

Jasmine de Cordoba, Midrealm
jasmine at infoengine.com or
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