HERB - Looking for an herbal Mouse deterrent

Mike C. Baker kihe at ticnet.com
Mon Nov 16 10:33:58 PST 1998

>  I have read that mint is a mouse deterrant because mice do not
like the way
> it smells.  I have not had need to try it myself
> so far so I don't know if it works. 

Might not ... I've reason to believe mice or other rodents have
nipping on my potted mints (peppermint and spearmint both).

I've some reason to believe that the "fruit" of the Bois d'Arc
AKA Bodark, Bodock, Osage Orange, or "Horse Apple" / 
"Crabapple" / "Hedge apple", is effective in repelling insects. 
I've visual evidence that only a VERY hungry squirrel appears 
to need more than a nibble at a sitting -- and I've not had 
mouse incursions when able to put sections of the seed mass
in windows / openings.  

While not suggested if small children are present, I've not had 
problems with even fairly-young puppies or kittens.

(Observation on nomenclature: yes, I have seen or heard all of
the noted names applied to the tree in question.  The wood 
is dense, almost impossible to work once dry -- Dremel and
patience notwithstanding;, and a very love dark orange color. 
When used as fence posts or foundation beams, has been 
known to survive 150 years or more even in direct soil contact
with minimal to no termite or other insect damage and very 
little rot.)

Mike C. Baker
SCA: Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra (Steppes, Ansteorra)
"Other": Kihe Blackeagle (the Dreamsinger Bard)
My opinions are my own -- who else would want them?
e-mail: kihe at ticnet.com OR kihe at rocketmail.com

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