HERB - Austin's herb festival

Roberta R Comstock froggestow at juno.com
Tue Oct 6 22:42:14 PDT 1998

On Tue, 06 Oct 1998 05:08:30 -0700 Paul Gieri <dragon at lemoorenet.com>
>Mary, my bay laurel is outdoors in the ground.  Summers are very >hot
and dry and winters can be cold (though we don't get much >freezing)and
sometimes wet (like last year).  In four years it has >gotten to about 20
feet.  It puts out sucker growth regularly which >you can cut back to the
parent plant and then root.  It also berries >every year but I haven't
tried planting those.  I hope this helps >some.

I'm green with envy!  :=)  I've tried about 5 times to grow bay laurel in
a pot in our sun porch, and have never had one live for an entire year. 
Maybe next time I'll put it in real dirt in a big clay pot outside and
see if that's better.  I had pretty much given up before seeing your


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