HERB - Hyssop

khkeeler kkeeler at unlinfo.unl.edu
Mon Oct 12 06:12:32 PDT 1998

> Yeah...I just today found a book on herb contraindications and drug
> interactions (in fact, that's the name), and that's the ONLY
> contraindication it gives for hyssop. Says its both an emmenagogue (sp?)
> and an abortifacient.
> It's a really informative book...a great find for someone like me who's
> always wondering what the side effects of "medicinal" items are.
> Katerine Rowley
> Bryn Gwlad, Ansteorra
> mka
> Mary Temple
> Austin, Texas
Could you give us the name of the book, author, ISBN etc. please.
Sounds very useful.
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