HERB - Hyssop

Mary Temple noxcat at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 11 15:59:43 PDT 1998

>My text essentially says the same with the following additions:
>and the ever popular, yet oh, so very important admonition:   Do not 
>hyssop when pregnant.

Yeah...I just today found a book on herb contraindications and drug 
interactions (in fact, that's the name), and that's the ONLY 
contraindication it gives for hyssop. Says its both an emmenagogue (sp?) 
and an abortifacient.

It's a really informative book...a great find for someone like me who's 
always wondering what the side effects of "medicinal" items are.

Katerine Rowley
Bryn Gwlad, Ansteorra
Mary Temple
Austin, Texas

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