HERB - Re: Hands On Classes

khkeeler kkeeler at unlinfo.unl.edu
Mon Oct 19 10:27:42 PDT 1998

Melandra of the Woods wrote 
classes I'd like

> 1.  Field identification / what do plants look like in nature /  - If any
> of you live in Arkansas, and know about this, please contact me.  I just
> know that my parents' woods and lake have all kinds of useful plants, if I
> just knew enough to identify them!!
> (the stinging nettle I learned the hard way! :(

What exactly are you looking for?  Steven Foster and James Duke have a 
Peterson Field Guide to the "Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants". 1990 
ISBN 0-395-35309-2 about $26. It definately includes your region. 
Pictures are good. Foster and Duke are very good herbalists.  They say
where the plant is found.  Uses given are from various culture and
times.  Usually it says when the plant is from Europe (garlic,
shepherd's purse, burdock, valerian).

Kelly Kinscher Edible wild plants of the prairie and Medicinal wild
plants of the prairie gives a lot of information on (obviously) prairie
native plants.  The distribution maps include all of Arkansas about half
of the time.  These will be useful but not period.
Kay Young. Wild seasons. Gathering and cooking wild plants of the Great
Plains. also has a bunch of excellent recipes for plants including some
of your region.  She particularly likes nettles, which is why I thought
of it.

I am in Nebraska so I don't generally collect useful plant books for AR
but I'd guess that they exist--or you can get TX or MO useful plant

kkeeler1 at unl.edu
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