HERB - Re: Rose Hips

Roberta R Comstock froggestow at juno.com
Mon Sep 7 16:01:37 PDT 1998

It should not be too late for harvesting rose hips.  The first thing to
do before you pick them is to make sure that the bushes have NOT been
treated with any systemic pesticides!  Once that has been assured, pick,
process and enjoy!

Rose Hip Jam 

About 2 pounds rose hips
water to cover
1 cup finely diced pineapple
1 lemon, thinly sliced
1/2 cup water
5 cups sugar

1.  The rose hips should be bright red; chill after picking.  Remove the
blossom and stem ends.  Slit the hips in two and discard seeds and any
tough flesh.  Cover with water and simmer until soft.  Press them through
a seive and measure the puree'.  
2.  There should be about 4 cups of puree'.  If not, adjust the recipe
accordingly.  For each 4 cups of puree' add one cup finely diced
3.  Meanwhile cook the lemon in the half cup of water for ten to fifteen
minutes.  Drain it and add it to the puree'.  Add the sugar, bring to a
boil and simmer slowly until thick.  Pour into hot sterilized jars and
seal at once.  

Yield:  About 3 pints.

>From *An Herb and Spice Cook Book* by Craig Claiborne.   New York:
Bantam Books.  1972 (11th printing).  

Once you have processed the puree', you could probably substitute it for
the fruit in any period recipe.

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