HERB - saffron harvest

LrdRas@aol.com LrdRas at aol.com
Thu Sep 24 05:03:33 PDT 1998

In a message dated 9/24/98 1:00:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, owner-
herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG writes:

<< It takes
 > a zillion plants to produce a usable quantity of saffron, and I believe
 > that there are roasting and drying steps involved.  >>

It actually takes about 3 to 6 threads to color/season rice for 4-6 people. So
a mere dozen bulbs are all that are necessary to produce enough saffron for a
couple of dishes. Which is reaonable for  a special treat each year from the
flower bed. Drying takes maybe an hour on a good sunny day. Toasting takes a
mere second or two for this small of a quantity. :_)

Ras (back to lurk mode)
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