HERB - Question?

Danie'l Twombly tarna at tic1.net
Mon Aug 30 10:44:02 PDT 1999

Ok. I have never had the  good fortune of growing catnip or basil from seed.
But yet one more time I tried. and forgot I planted it so I bought catnip
like I do every year. and low and be hold I have catnip and  catmint that
grew from seed!! and the basil... well it got so big I had to end up riping
it out. You can only have so much basil in the freezer and dried. I planted
strawberries this year and thought I killed them because I couldn't get them
into the ground before we had a late snow and they were in a paper bag
outside when it happened bare roots and all. I planted them and lost about
1/3 of them to other stuff. but they didn't bloom until just this month.
I am plannig my garden for next year already.
Oh and by the way.... I kept having the case of the missings lavender
plants. I lost 5.. they just vanished from my rose bed.
Brightest blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: <RAISYA at aol.com>
To: <herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 7:24 AM
Subject: HERB - Question?

> So, is anyone harvesting from the garden?  Successes?  Failures?  Funny
> stories?
> Raisya (eagerly awaiting the fall weather to start gardening again)
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