HERB - tallow making

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Mon Dec 6 07:23:58 PST 1999

I know this is really a tangential subject to herbs, but because
we've talked about herbs in the context of historical soap making,
I thought I'd pop this question out to the list anyway...Has anyone
worked with deer tallow before in soap making? Better still, has
anyone made deer tallow? I've worked with people making beef
tallow before (a vile process) and now that I have some venison
fat from the deer we took during early rifle season, I thought
I'd ask if anyone had worked with it before. I'm debating whether
or not to actually just go ahead and make the tallow, or wait until
spring and actually do something soap-wise for an A&S project
(like I don't already have enough to work on!). What would really
help me out is if anyone had the saponification value for deer fat.
I can't seem to find it any of my books...though I am missing one
key book somewhere and I suspect it's in that...

Iasmin de Cordoba, gwalli at infoengine.com
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